Saturday, March 26, 2022

WordPress Admin Recover Plugin

Create a new administrator user on your Wordpress site only by enter a secret word in the URL.

Did you ever got locked out from your site? Did you ever lost access to an email account? Did you ever forgot your password? Did you not get paid for your work? Did you delete your administrator account? Or do you just want to feel safe?

This plugin guarantee you that you will always have a way back into your site. You will choose your secret word, enter it in the url of your site and an administrator user will be created in the back end. Only you know the secret word. Only you know the username and password for the new user. 

Is it safe?

This plugin is as safe as WordPress gets. Let me show you have safe it is – the secret word to create a administrator user for my private site, is “antfarm“. Give it a try, you will soon have created a new administrator user on my site! Not much use for you unless you know the username and password. That’s how safe it is.

Can this plugin be used to hack a site?

No. It can not.

Am I creating any security holes when installing this plugin?

No. This plugin only uses native Wordpress functions. It is completely safe.

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