Monday, May 2, 2022

MIGallery - Image Gallery Script

MIGallery - Image Gallery Script

PHP Image Gallery Script with multi-uploading, cropping, rotating and sorting features.

This script has been developed for multiple image uploads. It can be used not only for image gallery but also for multi-image upload for many different types of projects.

Images can be cropped, rotated before uploading. It can be sorted by dragging with the mouse on computers or by finger dragging on mobile devices, and information can be added for each picture.

Uploaded images can be reordered later, new images can be added between them.

After installation, a picture table and a simple gallery table associated with this table are also created in the database.

In order to manage the created image gallery, simple page templates have been prepared.

In order to be easy to integrate into projects, a simple design has been made using bootstrap.

When it is installed, this script automatically creates a gallery as seen in the demonstration in the project directory. There are 4 pages on the project directory of this gallery. These pages are prepared as templates with a simple design for convenience to developers.

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