Saturday, June 4, 2022

GoGrocer v1.7.2 - Grocery Vegetable Store Delivery Mobile App with Admin Panel

GoGrocer v1.7.2 - Grocery Vegetable Store Delivery Mobile App with Admin Panel
  • Membership Module: admin can add membership plans and user can buy membership to get same day delivery, instant delivery, 2x, 3x rewards and free delivery.
  • Tax Module on Category: admin can add tax on parent categories as some many items have different taxes.
  • Delivery boy Module Improved: Now add with more details like id number, id photo and admin/store can see the current location map of delivery boy.
  • Sub-Admin: admin can add subadmin with a role and admin can add role and assign section permission to that role.
  • Change footer text dynamically from admin panel
  • Live Chat option between users and store.
  • Enable/ Disable Live chat option from admin panel.
  • Advance orders section added in admin/store panel.
  • Order details POPUP with more details of order.
  • Area Wise Delivery Charges can be added by store.
  • User section with details option in admin panel where admin can see user’s orders, delivery addresses, membership history.
  • Notification list sections in admin panel for users, delivery boy and stores and admin can delete notifications from there.
  • Improved UI alignment correction in admin/store panel
  • Brand new UI/UX for USER App & changes accordingly in store and delivery boy app
  • Live Order Tracking in user app.
  • Add Spotlight Products section in store panel from there store can add products which store wants to show in spotlight section in user app.
  • Add Trending Search Products section in Admin panel from where admin can set trending search products.
  • Order by Photo section in user app store can create that order cart and process it on behalf of user.

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