Monday, July 25, 2022

Flex Home v2.35.1 - Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System

Flex Home v2.35.1 - Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System
  • Add Stripe Checkout option. Enable it in Admin -> Payments -> Payment methods.
  • Add option to download available translation files from GitHub.
  • Move folder /resources/lang to /lang.
  • Fix property features & facilities.
  • Fix related posts.
  • Fix media URL.
  • Fix YouTube video thumbnail.
  • Fix theme translations.
  • Fix agent property form.
  • Fix get properties.
  • Add latitude & longitude validation in agency dashboard.
  • Update Facebook integration (allow comment in property/project detail page).
  • Improve plugin Backup.
  • Update homepage.
  • Allow to add a space between price and currency.
  • Add permission to manage license.
  • Improve menu.
  • Improve cache system (fix cache won’t be cleared after translating data).
  • Improve performance.
  • Update libraries / third-party package to the latest version.


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