Laravel Spark (Stripe v 3.0.1 & Paddle v3.0.0)
Laravel Spark is the complete recurring billing solution for Laravel. A starter-kit for your next great SaaS application.
Laravel Spark is the perfect starting point for your next big idea. When combined with a Laravel application starter kit like Laravel Jetstream or Laravel Breeze, or the frontend of your choice, Spark provides a well-designed billing management panel for your application. Spark, which is built on the power of Laravel Cashier, allows your customers to subscribe to monthly or yearly billing plans, manage their payment method, update their subscription plans, and download their receipts all from a self-contained, beautifully designed billing portal.
Supported Payment Providers: Spark & Paddle
Laravel Spark is the perfect starting point for your next big idea. When combined with a Laravel application starter kit like Laravel Jetstream or Laravel Breeze, or the frontend of your choice, Spark provides a well-designed billing management panel for your application. Spark, which is built on the power of Laravel Cashier, allows your customers to subscribe to monthly or yearly billing plans, manage their payment method, update their subscription plans, and download their receipts all from a self-contained, beautifully designed billing portal.
Supported Payment Providers: Spark & Paddle
Labels: Download, Technology, Tips and Trick
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